How to add a status page to your Hugo blog

Shortest guide possible, let’s go ⚡️

Setting up a status page

I recommend

  1. Take your blog’s URL. For me, that’s
  2. Create a new check on that URL. Pick “Monitor a website”.

“New check”

  1. Create a status page, and choose your subdomain. I went with mrnicedev ~> you’ll end up with a URL like

You should get something that looks like this:


We’ll do it from the config.toml file (so it’s easy to change) and using a with template statement (so if it’s not set, it won’t show up).

Add the following to your config.toml:

  statuspage = ""

Based on your theme, your milage may vary with the file paths.

Add the following HTML code to your layouts/partials/footer.html:

{{- with .Site.Params.statusPage }}
&#183; <a href="{{.}}" title="Status" target="_blank"><svg>...</svg></a>
{{- end }}

I also added it to layouts/index.html, which has a different custom footer. You should get something that looks like this. The rightmost ✔️ icon links to the status page:

status link in footer

That’s it!

Extra credit

Why OnlineOrNot?

OnlineOrNot works really well for me. It’s simple, and has a really good free tier. Also, it was built in the open; you can check out Max Rozen’s blog posts about it here. I really like that. We need more simple services that work well and that are built in public by individuals.

There are other options, but I haven’t tried them and didn’t need to.

Why add a status page to your blog at all?

Sometimes, my blog goes down.


After a few recent downtimes, I figured monitoring the site would be a good idea. I set it up with OnlineOrNot a while ago, and then forgot about it. But I got an email from Max about getting status pages, so I decided to set it up here.